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Next Public Gig:

Satuday, May 3, 2025

Kegel's Inn Beergarden

5901 W. National Ave

West Allis, WI

5-8 pm

All Ages



Facebook Stream





Thanks, Appleton!

Great show this last weekend up in Appleton, WI at Chadwick's bar with our good friends in Toaster Fork! Had a great crowd show up and the vibe was very celebratory and fun. Many thanks to Chadwick Glasow for having us over at his awesome bar, and so great to see some old friends that we've not seen in a long time.

We've been loving the feedback on our new CD "Sound of the Gusto" and we're looking forward to selling it throughout the summer at shows. Let us know if you'd like one mailed to you or someone special!

We have a busy next few weeks coming up for sure with three shows in 4 weeks. Next up - playing for the fine people at the Best Place for the 3rd anniversary celebration this Sunday evening - it's memorial day weekend, so unless you're the unlucky sap that needs to go to work on Monday, consider it a "bonus Saturday" and come join us! You'll be glad you did. Event information HERE.

We'll be playing a benefit show for the Wisconsin Paralyzed Veterans of America on June 8th, part of a Harley ride and fundraiser to enable these amazing vets to be able to attend the paralympic games. If you'd like to participate in the ride or just show up for the show, feel free! Event information for that concert is HERE.

But last and for certain NOT LEAST! We have our upcoming concert cruise for the Milwaukee Boat Line coming up on Friday June 14th! This is perhaps the coolest show we've ever done, and we'd love to have a really rousing crowd of friends and family there to cheer us on. 2 hour boat cruise along the Milwaukee River and out into the harbor, drink specials, and of course, everyone's favorite Superior Acoustic Powerpop outfit! How could you go wrong? JOIN US FOR IT! Tickets are $19 and purchase information, parking and everything else you'd ever want to know can be found right HERE.

Thanks again to everyone for all the love! Let's rock this summer right!



Next Gig: CD Release Party at BBC's! Awwww YEAH.

Great night of Irish merriment last night at Montecito's in Waukesha, and we very much appreciate the kindness of Dale and Jen the owners. We had a great time, and our newest member, our bass player John (aka H-bomb), did an incredible job sitting in with us after only rehearsing one time. 

Please make every effort to come and see us play at BBC's Upper Level on the 19th of April for our first-ever show there! We are incredibly excited about the night as we're hoping to have our new CD's for sale there for the first time - SOUND OF THE GUSTO. We are also super excited to play with our buddy Roxie Beane, and our new acoustic rock friends Lay Naked. 

See you on the 19th!


Announcing... our newest member!

Big news people. After an exhaustive search (we're talking craigslist ads, people) and multiple in person auditions of various great musicians, we are honored and proud to announce our newest band member:

Our new bassist John Haas! 

John has been a friend for many years and actually played bass in a band with Christopher in the 90's, and even lived with him for a few formative years in the mid 90's. John has been in multiple bands around Milwaukee over the years and is a seasoned bassist. He actually played upright bass in high school, and has been known to play his acoustic bass at campfire parties and camping trips with us in the past. I'm recalling an acoustic rock guitarmageddon in Kettle Moraine State Forest on a camping trip that included 5 guitarists and John on bass, as well as a djembe! Our campsite mates were shouting out requests.

For his audition, John rented an upright, practiced for weeks, and came in to Bockenplautz Central and just knocked it out of the park. We were all truly impressed by his playing and his energy.

In the end, it was a no-brainer. He's in the band.

So welcome to Bockenplautz Mach II, including acoustic and/or upright bass depending on the song.

John is hopefully going to be joining us for some songs at our upcoming show next weekend at Montecito's in Waukesha for St. Patty's day weekend. It will be a blast, and a great way to welcome him into the band.

Hope to see many of you BNP fans next weekend for St. Patty's in the 'Sha, and be sure to say hi to John! 

This, our friends, is perhaps the last crucial cog in this burgeoning superior acoustic powerpop juggernaut known as BOCKENPLAUTZ.


Erin go Bockenplautz coming up!

Many of you may know that St. Patrick was famous for driving the snakes out of Ireland, or so the common wisdom would say. We are stoked to share with you, our adoring fans, that we will be doing the same for Carroll University in Waukesha, which is evidently also overrun by snakes. Who knew, right? We'll be playing at Montecito's in Waukesha on St. Patty's Day weekend on Saturday March 16, 2013. Other highlights of this show to include:


  • At least one irish jig will be performed by Christopher
  • At least 10 Irish songs will be played by your favorite Superior Acoustic Powerpop Outfit
  • At least 2 fans will get to box and/or wrestle Cousin Sean after the show
  • At least 2 fans will also get the chance to buy the band a round of shots (Jameson or Tullamore Dew please)
  • At most 2-20 snakes will likely still remain in Waukesha after our powerhouse set of acoustic powerpop, so LOOK OUT!


Facebook event is HERE. RSVP there and tell us which of these opportunities or challenges is most exciting to you!

Please also keep in mind our biggest gig to date - playing for the first time headlining at G-Daddy's BBC Upper Level for our CD release party on April 19, 2013. We need a great crowd that night, and we're counting on you people.

Tickets will also be available soon for our first-ever Milwaukee Boat Line Booze Crooze on June 14th - stay tuned! There will only be roughly 200 total tickets available for this show, and we expect it will sell out so GET YOURS EARLY.

Lastly, we have auditioned two acoustic bass players and have one more audition coming up, and we expect to have an announcement about our newest band member soon. Wanna throw your hat in the ring? Let us know!


Holy crap tons of new shows! Plus: Bassist Wanted

We had a truly awesome time playing for our friends down at the Best Place last weekend, raising money for MS for our buddy Scott. We put ourselves up as an auction item in addition to playing the show pro bono. Winds up that the people that won us in the auction also won a quarter barrel from the nice people at the Best Place. So they hired us to play another Best Place party for them next month! We're going to use the occasion to try to raise even more money for the MS Society.

We've had a ton of great bookings line up over the last few weeks, including some really awesome new opportunities for us! All links go to Facebook events for these shows



7/10/13 Sister Bay Summer Concerts in the Park series performance

7/12/13 Washington Island Superior Acoustic Powerpop Shipwreck

7/13/13 Door County Superior Acoustic Powerpop Finale - working on possible gigs in Sister Bay, Fish Creek, Bailey's Harbor, or Sturgeon Bay


In other news:


  • We are doing final mixing on our new album. Yes that's right. NEW ALBUM.
  • We've still got a few 2XL shirts left from the last pressing, let us know if you want one!
  • We are actively searching for an upright bass player to join our superior acoustic powerpop mission, check out the craigslist posting HERE if you're interested. 
  • Looking to book a possible Milwaukee Boat Lines booze crooze gig this summer - more info TBA!
  • We have an awesome new ReverbNation band page, and we're currently the #5 ranked rock group in Milwaukee according to them! Not sure if I believe them, but you can see for yourself HERE


Stay strong. And always remember: why settle for less than Superior Acoustic Powerpop? 

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