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Next Public Gig:

Satuday, May 3, 2025

Kegel's Inn Beergarden

5901 W. National Ave

West Allis, WI

5-8 pm

All Ages



Facebook Stream





2014 is happening, people!

Two great shows this month. 2014 won't take no for an answer! Click on the links for more info on the shows.

Both of these shows promise to be a great time. More info can be found on our SHOWS page here at

Hope everyone is ready. 2014 promises to be the YEAR OF THE BNP!


That's a 2013 wrap, people!

Fans and friends,

Hard to believe it, but 2013 is now in the books for the boys in Bockenplautz. Due to multiple family and work commitments, it's really tough for us to do any shows in December with the band. So we've sort of established a policy of a "show-free December" going forward. We're all married, and between the 4 of us we have a dozen kids between 3 and 10 years old. As hard as it is to say, this just sometimes gets in the way of our rock and roll lifestyle, but we wouldn't have it any other way. It also reminds us to be thankful to our team of wives who love and support us and pick up some of the childcare responsibilities when we rehearse or gig. Thanks very much to Doreen, Emily, Debbie, and Cristin!

2013 has been a great year for us. We performed 20 shows either as a band, duo, or solo gigs with parts of BNP. We did our first real tour up in Door County, which we hope to make an annual event. We played for the MKE Boat Line summer concert series, which was incredible. We finalized our first album. We played at several new venues in MKE and also deepened our relationships with old favorites like the Best Place (12 shows there so far and counting!). We've had a chance to play with some other amazing bands and solo artists over the year, and have enjoyed getting to better know some of our newfound friends in the MKE area music scene. We're continuously refining our sound, our repertoire, and where we want to go as a band and a group of friends.

For 2014, we're blessed to already have 6 gigs on the books including a couple benefit shows and three private parties. We'll be debuting at Burke's Irish Castle on Saturday, January 11, 2014, and we hope to see a huge Tosa crowd join us there! It's the old Derry Hegarty's right across from Miller Park at 53rd and Bluemound. Totally redone inside, great side bar for music, and great people. We're hoping to participate in some summer concert series and outdoor shows around Milwaukee in summer 2014, and will be trying to book at Summerfest, Tosa Tonight, Waukesha Friday Night Live, and many others. If you have a suggestion for an outdoor show or venue that you think would be great for us, please let us know. We're always looking for new ideas!

Thanks again to all of our friends, fans, and wives that made 2013 a banner year for Bockenplautz. Here's to a kick-ass 2014 and beyond!



p.s. Keep your eyes peeled for a little holiday cheer from the Boys in BNP sometime in December to be posted on our facebook page!


Best Place Pre-Turkey Day Party THIS FRIDAY!

Been a very busy couple of weeks with the band - played again for the Doc Rock MKE benefit show last friday night and had a great time for a great cause. On the way home, the band stopped by at the Best Place and did a spontaneous totally acoustic gig in the Steinewert side bar for about 40 customers that had congregated there. Tons of fun!

This Friday night, we'll return to do our "official" show at the Best Place, and we can't wait. Anna Ceragioli will be opening up for us again, playing some awesome classic rock tunes. The BNP goes on around 9 and will play to at least 12!

See you there!


Jazz Estate TONIGHT

Jonnie will be sitting in with MKE's ownest and awesomest blues-flamenco guitarist, Evan Christian tonight at the Jazz Estate, 2423 N. Murray on Milwaukee east side! Promises to be quite an adventure! Playing from 10-midnight with Evan, although he'll likely play longer.

Lots of cool blues tunes, plus a few well-chosen covers to boot!


Halloween show at BBC's October 25th!

We had an awesome time playing at the Down and Over last week, our first time ever performing there. We hope to be able to return there sometime soon!

Next show for us is on October 25th, playing at G-Daddy's BBC Upper level on the east side of Milwaukee with our friends the Beguhn-Speck Project, featuring Steve Beguhn, an American Idol season 10 contestant right here from MKE. We're looking to play a few new songs including a couple selections specifically for the Halloween holiday. It'll be the spookiest ever Bockenplautz show!

Other upcoming shows:

November 9: Jonnie playing solo at Club Garibaldi's with Evan Christian for Matt "MF" Tyner's birthday bash

November 15: Doc Rock MKE charity concert, supporting healthcare for the uninsured around MKE county

November 22: Triumphant return to the Best Place at the Historic Pabst Brewery for a Pre-Turkey Day Party - a cornucopia of acoustic powerpop!


Hope to see you guys at some of these upcoming shows!

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