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Next Public Gig:

Satuday, May 3, 2025

Kegel's Inn Beergarden

5901 W. National Ave

West Allis, WI

5-8 pm

All Ages



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Entries in News (5)


Door County Tour 2014

What a fantastic night we had again playing for the nice people at the Milwaukee Boat Line last Saturday night for the summer concert series. The weather held out, and at the end of the night we got a surprise hit of fog that was eerily spooky and kinda cool. Hoping they'll have us back again next year!

No shows for the rest of June, but next month we've got some great fun in store - going back up to Door County for a 5 day tour with the band, playing 3 official shows and perhaps some unofficial shows as well:

We'll also be playing on July 24th again at the Landing at Hoyt Park, the new Wauwatosa beer garden. Had a wonderful time there last month, and really looking forward to playing there again!

Can't wait to get up to Door County next month!

Also, as many of you know, Jonnie fractured his left wrist in a mountain biking accident last month, and we had to cancel our show at the Potawatomi casino in MKE. We're hoping to reschedule for the fall, so stay tuned for that. Jonnie is healing well, and has actually been able to do three shows over the last two weeks in his cast, sitting down. Now that's dedication to superior acoustic powerpop!

See you at a show soon!



Halloween show at BBC's October 25th!

We had an awesome time playing at the Down and Over last week, our first time ever performing there. We hope to be able to return there sometime soon!

Next show for us is on October 25th, playing at G-Daddy's BBC Upper level on the east side of Milwaukee with our friends the Beguhn-Speck Project, featuring Steve Beguhn, an American Idol season 10 contestant right here from MKE. We're looking to play a few new songs including a couple selections specifically for the Halloween holiday. It'll be the spookiest ever Bockenplautz show!

Other upcoming shows:

November 9: Jonnie playing solo at Club Garibaldi's with Evan Christian for Matt "MF" Tyner's birthday bash

November 15: Doc Rock MKE charity concert, supporting healthcare for the uninsured around MKE county

November 22: Triumphant return to the Best Place at the Historic Pabst Brewery for a Pre-Turkey Day Party - a cornucopia of acoustic powerpop!


Hope to see you guys at some of these upcoming shows!


Door County Tour Complete


We had so much fun playing up in Door County last week. What a wonderful time! Special thanks to our friends in Sister Bay including Windy Bittorf, Paige Funkhauser, and Sharon Daubner at the Sister Bay Bowl for helping us coordinate some wonderful gigs and to our friends on Washington Island for making the first annual "Death's Door" tour a success. Special thanks to our new friend Clark for helping set up stage lighting for us at the Sister Bay Bowl. These were some of the most fun gigs we've ever played, and we're hoping to make this an annual event!

No shows for the band until September due to multiple long work and family trips for various band members, but we're already looking forward to our first-ever gig at the Down and Over pub in Bay View on Sept 13th, with an opening act that is yet TBD.

Thanks to everyone that came out to our shows in Door County, and thanks to everyone who continues to support live music!


Milwaukee Boat Line Summer Concert Series Cruise - This Friday!

Ladies and gentleman, friends, countryman, West 'Stallians - lend us your ears.

We've had a busy last month with the band. Lots of shows, all of them fun and interesting. Starting off with our performance in Appleton May 18th at Jonnie's old stomping grounds, Chadwicks, and then a week later being asked by our good friends at the Best Place to play their (and coincidentally OUR) third anniversary party... just great fun. It is really awesome to see how far we've come as a band over the last three years, and the number and quality of great gigs we are now getting is a testimony to the hard work we've put in. Having a new CD is the icing on the Bockenplautz cake, for sure! 

This last weekend we played for the Wisconsin Paralyzed Veterans of America for a benefit show, which was also a ton of fun. We were asked to do this due to connections Jonnie has with the VA hospital in town, and were very glad to volunteer our PA and our musical talents to the event. About 100 Harley riders met up with us at the beautiful outdoor courtyard at Mr. B's Steakhouse in Brookfield to relax after their morning ride, have a beer or two, enjoy a raffle, and partake in some acoustic powerpop. Cool for us as it was our first outdoor gig in the sun (sunscreen thoroughly applied to all balding bandmembers, no doubt!), and our first time playing for a Harley riders group, which is a little different than what we normally do. We kept our setlist very classic rock heavy, and they really seemed to enjoy us. We also proved what we have always thought - that we are a great daytime beer-drinking band! We were honored to participate in this event.

This Friday, June 14th, is perhaps the coolest gig we have ever had - the date is finally here! Our Milwaukee Boat Line Summer Concert Series Booze Cruise! Please make every effort to attend - this may be our only show in Milwaukee until September! 

Other things on the horizon:


  • Door County Tour 2013! Make your plans now! July 10-13.
  1. Wednesday July 10th - Sister Bay Summer Concert Series Featured Artist - free show in the SB Marina.
  2. Friday, July 12th - Washington Island Shipwreck - playing at a famous bar on the island, ask us for details.
  3. Saturday, July 13th - Sister Bay Bowl
  • We hope to be one of the first bands to play at the new Wauwatosa Beer Garden in Hoyt Park! More info to follow on that one.
  • September show, hopefully with our friends in one of Milwaukee's best bands The Carpetbaggers - still working on a date for this one. 
  • Doc Rock MKE 2013 is set for November 15, and we will definitely be involved once again.


Keep spreading the love people! We appreciate all your support very much. 



Holy crap tons of new shows! Plus: Bassist Wanted

We had a truly awesome time playing for our friends down at the Best Place last weekend, raising money for MS for our buddy Scott. We put ourselves up as an auction item in addition to playing the show pro bono. Winds up that the people that won us in the auction also won a quarter barrel from the nice people at the Best Place. So they hired us to play another Best Place party for them next month! We're going to use the occasion to try to raise even more money for the MS Society.

We've had a ton of great bookings line up over the last few weeks, including some really awesome new opportunities for us! All links go to Facebook events for these shows



7/10/13 Sister Bay Summer Concerts in the Park series performance

7/12/13 Washington Island Superior Acoustic Powerpop Shipwreck

7/13/13 Door County Superior Acoustic Powerpop Finale - working on possible gigs in Sister Bay, Fish Creek, Bailey's Harbor, or Sturgeon Bay


In other news:


  • We are doing final mixing on our new album. Yes that's right. NEW ALBUM.
  • We've still got a few 2XL shirts left from the last pressing, let us know if you want one!
  • We are actively searching for an upright bass player to join our superior acoustic powerpop mission, check out the craigslist posting HERE if you're interested. 
  • Looking to book a possible Milwaukee Boat Lines booze crooze gig this summer - more info TBA!
  • We have an awesome new ReverbNation band page, and we're currently the #5 ranked rock group in Milwaukee according to them! Not sure if I believe them, but you can see for yourself HERE


Stay strong. And always remember: why settle for less than Superior Acoustic Powerpop?