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Next Public Gig:

Satuday, May 3, 2025

Kegel's Inn Beergarden

5901 W. National Ave

West Allis, WI

5-8 pm

All Ages



Facebook Stream





Bockenplautz Haikus for the Best Place Benefit Concert Next Friday! 

Hey people - we've been asked to help out with a benefit concert for our good friend Scott Smith from the the Best Place. Scott has Multiple Sclerosis, and has battled it for years. It is purely due to the research that is funded by the National MS Society that people like Scotty have meds that enable them to function day to day. Please join us there next Friday, 1/11/13, 7pm, 901 W. Juneau for a great night of live music and merriment for a great cause. $10 cover gets you all the Superior Acoustic Powerpop you can handle, plus likely some surprise musical guests, and door prizes. Plus, PABST. 

Facebook event for this awesome night is here.

In honor of this occasion, we in the band have composed the following haiku poems:


No Regrets (S. Nolan)

The last face melting

Reality leaving fast

As Bockenplautz plays


It's Not Cold (S. Nolan)

Through the winter night

Milwaukee warms by our fire:

Bockenplautz rocks you


Priorities (J. Bock)

Pabst tastes better with

Superior powerpop

That is acoustic



Club Garibaldi Premiere

So that was probably our best gig ever. Club Garibaldi is an awesome venue and the stage and sound system there were simply incredible. Special thanks to Jeff Hamilton for giving us a chance, Pat for doing a great job with the sound and Joe the owner as well as the great bar staff for making it a great night. Over 100 fans of Superior Acoustic Powerpop showed up for our live recording. Cd's and HD video to come!

People, mark it down. 2013 will be the year of Bockenplautz! We already have three great gigs set up for next year, with a few more in the formative stages.

- January 11 at the Best Place for a Multiple Sclerosis benefit show
- March 16 St Patty's day show at Montecito's in Waukesha
- May 18, possibly the best show ever: a double bill with our friends in the Minneapolis rock explosion known as Toasterfork! at Appleton's best bar with a first name, Chadwick's.

Hire a sitter now, batten down the hatches, buy your hearing insurance, and pencil in your calendars.

2013 - You belong to Bockenplautz.


Best Place Tavern <3

Wow, what a great night. The show on Friday was just tons of fun. We had around 150 people come out to the Best Place Tavern for our show, and the crowd was amazing. We also had the pleasure of having the Best Place's own annA open up for us, and even play a few songs together. It was great.

Special thanks to Jim and Karen Haertl for being so supportive to us, we continue to love playing at their venue, it really is one of the coolest spaces in Milwaukee. It's the Pabst Brewery, for the love of God!

Next gig is perhaps our biggest one yet, playing for the nice people of Bay View at Club Garibaldi - the Bockenplautz Bay View Bonanza! We'll be recording a live demo CD on 11/30/12, 9pm start, which will be a ton of fun. We'll also be proudly featuring our good friend Roxie Beane's soulful stylings as our opening act. She's awesome, and worth the price of admission all on her own!

Thanks again to everyone for continuing to support us, especially our wives, without whom we would not be able to keep this rock and roll train barreling forward. 


Doc Rock MKE 2012

We were really really pleased to be able to participate in the 2nd Annual Doc Rock MKE benefit concert last night at the Grace Center in downtown Milwaukee last night. We were lucky enough to get in on the first year of this event last year, and are really proud to continue to support this worthy cause. The event is basically a variety show of various bands and performers that are all composed mostly of healthcare professionals, including a couple true "doctor bands". This year we finished the show, playing about 5 songs. Had a really fun time with it.

The venue was also much improved this year, great food and prizes, overall a really fun time. Hope to be able to be involved in it again next year.

Next Show: Our triumphant return to the Best Place Tavern on Friday night, November 16, 2012 - Appetite for Superior Acoustic Powerpop. Get a sitter, board your dogs, batten down the hatches, whatever you need to do... Just BE THERE! Super bonus - an opening set by the fabulous annA.

Hope to see you there!


Bockenplautz TV Debut!

We have had a quite productive last month despite the fact that we haven't played any public gigs. In September we played for two private events, both of which were a ton of fun for us. We're always willing to negotiate to play for friends events - just let us know!

Today, we hit the big time. We played live on WTMJ4's The Morning Blend in support of the upcoming 2nd Annual Doc Rock MKE benefit concert this friday, November 2nd 2012. We had a blast, were occasionally filmed much-too-closeup for our taste, and overall successfully helped to promote this great event. We'll upload the vids to our YouTube page, but for now you can find the first segment HERE and the second segment HERE.

Come to the show on the 2nd, and be sure to check out our shows page for two other big performances in November including a triumphant return to the Best Place Tavern at the Historic Pabst Brewery on November 16th and our first ever performance at Club Garibaldi's in Bay View on Nov 30th, where we'll record a demo CD!

These are exciting times to be a fan of the BnP, friends.