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Next Public Gig:

Satuday, May 3, 2025

Kegel's Inn Beergarden

5901 W. National Ave

West Allis, WI

5-8 pm

All Ages



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Entries in annA (1)


Best Place Tavern <3

Wow, what a great night. The show on Friday was just tons of fun. We had around 150 people come out to the Best Place Tavern for our show, and the crowd was amazing. We also had the pleasure of having the Best Place's own annA open up for us, and even play a few songs together. It was great.

Special thanks to Jim and Karen Haertl for being so supportive to us, we continue to love playing at their venue, it really is one of the coolest spaces in Milwaukee. It's the Pabst Brewery, for the love of God!

Next gig is perhaps our biggest one yet, playing for the nice people of Bay View at Club Garibaldi - the Bockenplautz Bay View Bonanza! We'll be recording a live demo CD on 11/30/12, 9pm start, which will be a ton of fun. We'll also be proudly featuring our good friend Roxie Beane's soulful stylings as our opening act. She's awesome, and worth the price of admission all on her own!

Thanks again to everyone for continuing to support us, especially our wives, without whom we would not be able to keep this rock and roll train barreling forward.