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Next Public Gig:

Satuday, May 3, 2025

Kegel's Inn Beergarden

5901 W. National Ave

West Allis, WI

5-8 pm

All Ages



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Entries in fish fry (1)


Rockin' the 'Sha Part Deux - IN THE BOOKS

Thanks to the good people at Montecito's Ristorante in Waukesha for showing us such a good time last Friday night. Dale and his wife Jen treat us great, serve us fish fry and all of the free drinks we can handle, and generally provide an amazingly appropriate venue for us to deliver our Bockenplautz Brand Acoustic Powerpop hot and fresh.

We express our sincere sympathy to all of the bar patrons who had their faces melted by the Superior Acoustic Powerpop Onslaught that was delivered. We provide no apologies, just sympathy.

Looking forward to booking there again sometime this winter - look for it! 

Rest of the month is filled with private gigs. Playing for a neighborhood party, and also for a charity event.

Next public gig - Doc Rock MKE benefit on 11/2, followed closely by our triumphant return to the Best Place Tavern on 11/16. Will be featuring new posters, new T-shirts, new songs, perhaps even a prolonged opportunity to fight with Cousin Sean after the show! Stay tuned.