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Next Public Gig:

Satuday, May 3, 2025

Kegel's Inn Beergarden

5901 W. National Ave

West Allis, WI

5-8 pm

All Ages



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Summer 2016 is gonna be the best, you guys. For real.

We have so many fun gigs lined up for this summer. May is a quiet month of mental and spiritual preparation for us in what can only be described as a summer onslaught of acoustic powerpop. For real, you guys.

Be sure to get your tickets ASAP for the Milwaukee Boat line gig on 6/17/18 at! We sold out the show last year, all 150 tickets!

Door County Tour has lined up nicely, and we'll be playing three official gigs up there from Wednesday July 13 through Saturday July 17. All free and open to the public. Plus probably a couple spontaneous performances, and perhaps another speed boat rental or two. WOO HOO!

We're playing again for our friends up at Big Cedar Lake, the Denim Park Summer Concert Series, and The Landing at Hoyt Park. Couldn't swing a gig this year at the State Fair due to vacation plans, but we'll try to make it happen next year.

We were discussing things as a band, and we just wanted everyone to know how grateful we are for the support we've been gettting. Over the last month, we've played two of our best gigs ever as we approach 100 shows with this band - at Mo's Irish Pub downtown, and a return gig to the Potawatomi Casino. These are the type of shows we initially set out to play with our group, and it is so awesome to see them come to fruition. Thanks.

And special thanks to our amazing sound guy, Jesus Soundmen, aka Andy Gasziorwoski. Working hard to make us sound better isn't an easy job, but it does occasionally involve a free shot of Fireball. WELL DONE ANDY GAS!

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